To make a manual booking from Guestonline Web, find out below !
- From your dashboard or your reservation book, click on "Make a reservation"
- Select the date by opening the calendar. The day's date will be shown by default :
- Choose the time, by clicking on one of your services, then on the hour. You can choose a schedule "outside a planned service" at the end of the line (excepting if you have an "employee" access and have restrictions) : your booking will then appear in an "Outside service time" section on your reservation book.
If the service is full, you will be notified but will still be able to make a reservation,
except if the "no service booking management" option is activated, and if you are logged in with an "employee" access.
- Then choose the number of covers :
You can write directly the number of covers at the end of the line.
If you enter more covers than the total still available during the service, a warning message will be displayed !
- (Optional) You can write an internal note if you want, which will concern the booking, in the "note" field :
- If you want, you can now assign a table to the booking by clicking on the "tables" icon :
- Then fill in the information about your customer. Here you can filter with his name, surname, company or mobile/landline phone
- Your customer has already visited your restaurant and he is in your database : select him in the list below :
- Your customer has never been, and he is not appearing on the list : create a new contact by clicking on the green button :
Complete his profile with the information you have :
Then save
- Optional : you can enter a "keyword" : the list contains keywords by default but you can add a new one. They allow you to "tag" a booking promptly, to notify a customer's preference (i.e. : they come for a birthday, want to sit outside, need a baby chair)
- Optional : you can also enter a prescriber. This is the person or the company who has recommended your restaurant to the customer. To create a prescriber : create a new contact (in the "contacts" menu) and assign him the "prescriber" group. He will then appear in this list :
- All the necessary information to create a booking are given, you can now validate your booking
The bookings that you have created are symbolized by the "phone" logo on your reservation book
Here is the booking you made and all the information about this booking :
You want to collect email addresses for your database,
and for your next emailing campaigns ?
Offer your customer to send him an email confirmation of his booking !
Enter his email address, tick the "accept e-mail campaigns" box,
then tick "notification : Email" and choose the language.
The email is free and your customer will receive a written confirmation !
You can also send a sms notification if you have activated the option.