Did your customers had the great pleasure to come and eat at your place ?
Would you like to know their opinion ?
It is now possible with Guestonline !
Thanks to an account manager on Gestonline Web the consultation of notices is fully available.
1/ Activate the options
- Through Guestonline Web : Settings > configuration of the restaurant : tick the option you are interested in :
sms : 0.08€ ht / sms
email : gratuit
2/ How to generate the sending
- With the emails : they are sent automatically the day after the meal by 09.00am : your customer will receive this, in the language chosen on the module :
- With sms :
- through Guestonline Web : from the reservations booklet, once the meal is finished, click on the reservation > "request of opinion by sms"
- Through Guestonline iPad : on your reservations booklet, click on the concerned reservation's castor then "send the request of opinion"
Your customers will immediately receive sms with a link :
By clicking above, they are sent back on an internet page
(on the browser of their smartphone)
Inviting them to give their opinions :
3/ Consult the opinions
To consult the opinions of your customers, you simply go on Guestonline Web and click on the menu "Opinions" :
Notices are not broadcasted, neither automatically shareable with other websites :
They are intended for an internal use to know the opinions of your customers, in a quality purpose and an improvement of service.
You can if you wish, postpone them manually on your site, in a column "customers' testimonies" for instance.
You will not be notified of new notices' arrival,
do not hesitate to consult them regularly in the "dedicated" menu !
The request of opinions exists in all the proposed languages on the module Guestonline !