From your reservations booklet, choose Room plan
- Your detailed seating chart appears
In details
- From your reservations booklet, select the reservation status to appear and service display Feel free to select your reservations by clicking on the third option (display "hour" by default)
- On the left list, it shows your reservations for the concerned service. When a booking is honored, by clicking on the details of the customer's arrival time, it appears below the list. Click on the blue wheel to access the different shares about the bookings
- To choose a table number, click on "Set a table" or click on the reservation, let the right button of your mouse pressed and drag the reservation towards the desired table
Once you affected the table, it turns yellow, shows the name of the customer and it also adds the arrival time Bookings on the listing with tables' numbers are added in the left column
- On the right, you can see your floor plan. It appears as you have defined it (via the "Tables" menu), room by room. Click on the tabs to view the room of your choice.
- By right clicking on an empty table, a menu appears and allows you to take a booking / attribute this table to an existing booking / block the table (so it will not be affected during the service)
If you are working on the floor plan of the day, you will also see the choice "Walking in".
It allows you to assign a table for a customer with a booking. Therefore, the table can not be assigned for another customer.
Also, the summary table of your service, lower right, will update
Here are the colors which can appear on your seating chart
- Blue: walk in
- light Orange: table assigned, pending customer
- Green: customer arrived (booking "honored")
- Gray: blocked table (can not be assigned during the service)
- dark orange : assigned to another booking after the noted above
- Eventually, by clicking on the "Edit" icon at the top right Then "change the carcass" so you can change the layout of your room plan for the respective service only (this does not change the structure of your basic dining plan, it is only to adapt an amendment or a different layout for a single service)
- You can move a table on your plan, by clicking and dragging it. Click again on the "Edit" icon if you want to modify another table
- You can also click on the name of a room to block completely: the tables of the chosen room will all go grey. Repeat the same operation to unlock
Your tables' assignments synchronise with your iPad but not the concept of tables or rooms blocked by now.
On the contrary, if you set the iPad from a locked table from the computer, it will be released
If you block a room, all the associated tables on the service will be deallocated
The tables that you set for the mode "Dining Plan" are synchronised with the "Reservations booklet" for your computer