Activable on demand, it allows you to configure, to draw or to shape, and to use your floor plan during the service.
You realise it to measure, and it will look like your own establishment !
- To configure it, click on « settings » then « tables » :
- Your empty room plan appears. The first room is called « main » by default :
– the first tab is called « Tables » and offers you various types of tables. Also, you can create a new room by clicking on « Create a room »
– the second tab is called « Decorations » and allows you to position elements of decoration such as they could exist in your own restaurant.
- To begin creating your floor plan, nothing is easier : click one of the objects to be placed, make it slide until it reaches the plan then a window opens :
- Complete the informations and click on « create the table ». It appears where you positioned the table. If you wish to modify it, click on the table :
– Edit table : allows you to return on the screen where you can inform about the name of the table, its capacity, its shape
– Delete table
– Transformation : allows you to change, the place or the shape of the table, by moving it or by stretching it, by clicking on one of the points, then by moving it while leaving your mouse clicked above.
– Duplicate the table : copy the table the number of indicated times :