Guestonline plugin is not available in your language ?
Would you like to be part of its development ?
Contribute to the plugin translation and help the community.
- First step : log in (1) and search Guestonline (2) (3) in the plugin directory.
Down the Guestonline page, on the right, go through “translate this plugin” (4)
Select the language you would like to translate (5) and the file you want to work on (6)
- There are 4 files ; development, development readme, stable and stable readme.
Once you have picked up your language and file, the original english sentence/word appears on the left column (7), you do not have to start with the first one, you can chose the one you feel the most at ease with.
- To start translating, click on details (8) on the right, and write your translation in the text space (9)
- Then suggest your new translation (10)
Congratulations !
Your sentence/word is now waiting to be confirmed by the translator team.
The Team Guestonline greatly appreciates your contribution !