You want to receive your booking notifications (new booking, change, cancellation)
on a second e-mail address ?
Sure you can !
- From your back-office, add an employee : “settings : employees”
- Then click on “create an employee”. Fill in the form : you must write a first name, last name and an e-mail.
Be careful : one user = one e-mail address. You can not use the same e-mail address for every user.
- To finish, click on “Create”
- Once the account is created, send an e-mail to We will then activate this second e-mail address. If you only want to change the e-mail address you are receiving notifications on, go to your settings and change it in the “restaurant” menu.
The person you have created an account for will receive an e-mail.
Then he will be able to access to Guestonline Web and change his password.