Each customer is unique, and can have its particularities.
Allergies, food preferences, a special table:
Guestonline will be valuable to remember these little notes for your customers!
1/First case :
You take a reservation for a new client
- click on the button "make a reservation"
- Choose the date, time, number of seats and the customer's name. If he is not already created (in our case), click on "add a new contact" below the "Company" field:
- Complete the information you have, the only mandatory element is the name (but the more you fill up the form, the better you will know your customer !)
- On the right column, in the field "notes", fill the particularity of your client, then click "create contact":
- Return to the previous screen with the displayed customer note, you just have to confirm the booking:
- Then, the "client" notes will appear on the reservations book, if you click on the symbol, the detail of the note appears:
Be careful not to confuse "customer notes" and "note book":
the first concerns the client, the second the reservation only.
But both will be on the reservation book.
2/ Second case:
your customer already exists in your database
- From the "contacts" by searching in your client menu, click the "Edit" button and then proceed as above
- From your reservation book, by clicking on the line end of the respective reservation roulette then "edit contact", you will access to the customer file where you can add information:
Some information can be used to segment your customers.
Wine lover, music lover, are all useful information that can allow you to qualify your customers 'groups' of contacts, and communicate more effectively during your newsletters campaigns.