It is possible to add free of charge some precision of display on your module.
- Language by default :
At the end of your url for the module, add: ?locale=en
(For english for instance). The available languages are Italian (it), Spanish (are), Finn (fi), Canadian French (ca), Swiss French (ch), or Dutch (nl), and Swedish (se).
- Insert a date :
At the end of your url of the module, add (by 17/12/31 for instance): ?date=31+Dec+2017
Which gives for instance:
This can be useful on your website, your page on the social networks or the emailing which concerns a date in particular, so that customers click on and arrive directly on the right date.
- Display a day except a service
(in this example, all services of August 5th, 2019 but the dinner)[]=dinner
- Display only one service
(in this example, diner of August 5th, 2019, only)[]=dinner
- Newsletter registration :
This allows you to add it wherever you want, a mini registration form in your newsletter.
For that purpose, the following formatis the best one: module du restaurant
What is your " id module of the restaurant " ? It is about 7 characters which are at the end of the url of your module of reservation, and which are appropriate to every restaurant. To find it, you can see on Guestonline Web in Settings > Main Module.