You are about to install Guestonline on your iPad and at the time of the installation, you are asked for your password ... Which you forgot ?
Unfortunately, we cannot reset it for you because we are not Apple's support team :)
Still, you can easily be helped, please follow the tricks stemming from the Apple's site:
- You can reset your password when you reach "My Apple ID" page and click on Apple Identification or forgotten password.
Seize your Apple's identifier, select the option to reset of your password and click on Continuing.
Having seized your Apple's identifier , you can see the process to reset your password according to the features of safety you may use for your account. For instance, if you configured the identification in two factors, the process is different from the authentification with questions of safety.
Answer to questions of safety
If you know the answers to your questions of safety, select " Answer the questions of security " and follow the stages allowing to reset your password.
Receive an email
If you select "to Receive an email", Apple will send an email in your main email address or your rescue email address which will allow you to reset your password. Didn't get the email ?
Update 03/17/17